Graham Stoney
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About Me
I grew up in a family where emotion was rarely expressed, and when it was the results were often destructive. As a very young child I felt confused because I had very strong feelings that I didn’t understand, and my family didn’t seem to know about or relate to. Both my parents had low self-esteem, and I concluded at a very young age that my parents didn’t even like, let alone love each other. I learned to dislike myself to fit in with my family, and my religion taught me that I was sinful even when I couldn’t think of anything I was doing wrong. I always got picked last on the all-important sporting teams at school, and grew up believing that there was something wrong with me and feeling inferior to just about everyone. With this early programming in place, learning to love myself on the road to self-acceptance has been a life-long journey for me. I know from my own experience how a negative self-perception and the associated self-limiting beliefs that can cause enormous frustration and make life into a struggle instead of an adventure. I am fascinated by the power of the human mind and the way…
Mission Statement
My Life Coach friends tell me it’s good to have a mission statement. I dunno; I think it’s important to enjoy what you do in life, and if you’re doing that, a mission statement seems a little redundant. Still, it’s meant to help when you’re paralysed by choice over what to do next: is it congruent with my mission, or not? My mission appears to be to have fun. But if that’s not enough for you… My personal mission in life is: To make a profoundly positive and lasting impact in the world. To pursue truth, beauty, freedom, love and happiness for all. To make a difference to others through my unique contribution. To experience all the richness, fun, joy and excitement that life has to offer. And most of all, to create and have fun while I’m here.
Core Values
When I was studying Life Coaching, I came up with this swanky list of core values that I aspire to: Happiness Fun Fulfilment Contentment Self-Acceptance Love Growth Freedom Peace Compassion Integrity Truth Inspiration Making a difference Making a contribution Humour Self-awareness Mutual Understanding Dependability Courage Leadership Curiosity Uniqueness Exploration Beauty (Hang on, what’s Beauty doing at #25? Something is wrong here…)
Copyright Information
All the information on this site is Copyright © by Graham Stoney, and may not be reproduced in any format including reposting on other web sites, on-line forums, books, or e-books without the express permission of the author, [intlink id=”34″ type=”page”]Graham Stoney[/intlink]. Nor may it be used in derivative works or aggregated with other information for commercial purposes. You may, however, deep-link to any information on this site from other web sites, on-line forums or any other place where the information is relevant and appropriate. You may also print or e-mail content to other people for personal use, provided the content involved is no more than 10% of the total content of the site, and a link to is retained on the printed copy, or in the e-mail. Before using any information on this site, see the [intlink id=”77″ type=”page”]Terms and Conditions of use[/intlink].
Terms and Conditions
This site exists for entertainment purposes. If you find any of the information here useful in your life, that’s great; but you retain full responsibility for any possible consequences of any action you might take resulting from the information on this site. I accept no responsibility for any situations or circumstances arising from the use of this information. While great effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and useful, it remains my personal opinion and should not be considered authoritative. This site is not a substitute for professional psychological, psychiatric, counselling or other mental health services. You should seek advice from appropriate mental health professionals if you think you may have, or may be developing, any kind of mental illness or emotional problems. Submissions to the site become my property. By posting or making submissions, you agree to allow the information submitted by you to be used in whatever form I choose, including re-posting on this site, or publication elsewhere. I will always remove any identifying information from submissions if I choose to repost any information you send me, to maintain your privacy and confidentiality. Any contact information that you give me will be treated…
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If you submit your email address or other contact information to me, I will not disclose it to anyone else. Your contact information will not be lent, given or sold to any third party and will only be used exclusively for the purposes of contacting you to provide information relevant to whatever you have subscribed to on the site. I may from time-to-time use your email address to contact you about information or products that I think you may be interested in. In some cases, I may be an affiliate and may earn commission if you choose to purchase products that I suggest. However, I will not distribute your email address or other contact details to anyone else; these contacts and offers will only ever come directly from me. I will always include a link in an emails that I send to allow you to unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive such information from me. If you have products that you wish to market to my subscribers, you need to [intlink id=”34″ type=”page”]contact me[/intlink] and send me a review copy to ensure that it is worth my recommendation. You must have an affiliate program that I can join;…
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