Busking at Music On The Streets in Bondi Beach

I’ve been playing guitar for around 6 years now, and I can strum up a decent tune on my own or playing with friends. But I get nervous playing in public; I feel anxious and my mind wanders through a series of stressful thoughts like “I’m crap!”, “They (whoever is listening) won’t like it”, “They won’t like the song I’ve chosen”, “My singing sounds bad” etc etc. It’s exhausting!

The first time I played guitar for an audience was in my guitar class, and although I was nervous, it went really well. The teacher wanted us to have a good experience playing in front of people, and the best way to conquer the fear was to play in front of a friendly crowd who were all in the same boat as beginner guitarists.

The next time I played in front of an audience was in a comedy club, doing a variation of American Pie with humorous lyrics. I was so nervous that my left hand couldn’t make the chord shapes, and the anxiety got worse the longer I played. One of the guys in the audience yelled out “You’ve killed a great song!”

Damn hecklers! Damn anxiety! Damn damn damn damn damn!

It was a few years before I wanted to play in front of an audience again.

However, now with those few more years practise under my plectrum, I wanted to get over my fear of playing in public so I signed up for Music On The Streets in Bondi Beach. This was the first time I was going busking for money, and I was both excited and nervous. Would I be able to do it? Would the fear take over again? Would I make any money?

The only way to know was to give it a go.


Friday Afternoon Music Therapy

I spent this afternoon playing drums with my new musician friends from kirtan, for two different local groups of disabled people. I have never actually played with this group before, so I’m not sure what to expect. Although I’ve been [intlink id=”751″ type=”post”]playing drum kit[/intlink] for a while and used to play tamborim in a samba band, I’ve never played the drums I’m playing today before either (a cajón and a dunun), for more than a few minutes. So really all I can do is wing it on stage in front of our captive audience.

How Hard Can It Be?

How Hard Can It Be?

The first gig is for a group of adolescents with Down syndrome. Despite my lack of practice, experience or rehearsal, they love it. If there’s one thing to be said for people with Down Syndrome, they sure know how to let loose and have a good time. Before long they are up dancing, jiving and laughing, showing far less inhibition than I have. One of the guys gets down on the floor and breaks into a spontaneous rap dance. We aren’t even playing hip-hop. But that isn’t about to stop him. Before long, one of his mates joins him; both of them writhing around on the floor unselfconsciously to our beats.


My Favourite Songs of 2014

Now that 2015 is well and truly upon us, I thought it would be a good time to look back at some of my favourite songs of 2014, and what they meant to me. Not all these songs were released in 2014; some of them date back quite a long way. But they all struck a nerve for me last year. Here’s why:

360 – Live It Up

This upbeat number from a fellow aussie rapper who has struggled with depression in the past was a good reminder to me that I’ve only got the one life, and to make the most of it:
