The Real Reasons Your Friends Want You To Do The Landmark Forum

It’s been over 20 years since I did The Landmark Forum and life since then has been a constant series of breakthroughs and breakdowns. But there’s been one persistent irritation over that time: other people.

I consistently find myself in challenging situations with other people thinking: “This asshole would be a lot easier to deal with if they did The Landmark Forum”.

I even had a friend once who made me wrong for using the phrase “made me wrong”.

It’s not a cult

I’m a little tired of being a circle adrift in a sea of triangles. I suspect that the whole world would be a better place if everyone did The Landmark Forum; especially the people who don’t think they need to, because they tend to do the most damage.

Some of these people really need to be slapped around the head by a Landmark Forum leader.


Loving Yourself by The Human Awareness Institute

I spent last weekend at a workshop on Loving Yourself run by The Human Awareness Institute (HAI). It’s the second in a series of workshops they run on the topic of Love, Intimacy and Sexuality. While the confidentiality agreement prevents me from talking too much about the content of the workshop, what I can say is that it was an opportunity to profoundly deepen the connection that I felt with other people, and with myself.

I’ve always struggled with the idea of really loving myself, and when I first heard about the HAI courses I knew that this workshop was for me. I did the pre-requisite level 1 workshop about a year ago, and then had to wait a year before having the opportunity to do level 2. Over the course of the workshop I found myself gradually losing the inhibitions and fears about other people’s judgments, which tend to … Continue reading…