Mother Induced Social Phobia

No wonder you feel anxious

No wonder you feel anxious

A widely prevalent and highly debilitating form of extreme social anxiety caused by being raised by a controlling or domineering mother.

Often accompanied by Nice Guy Syndrome. Male sufferers tend to exhibit passive or submissive behaviour, especially around women. Symptoms include self-consciousness, panic attacks, social anxiety, depression and a lack of direction in life. Inner conflict and mental confusion typically results from excessive critical admonishments during childhood such as: “You’re just like your father!”; who while overly passive, was in fact quite a decent bloke.


Phobia Shaming

The disturbing recent trend among social justice warriors to attribute any attitude or behaviour that they don’t like in other people as if it resulted from a diagnosable mental illness. Examples include the pejorative use of labels such as homophobia and Islamophobia.

Shaming people for their fears is shameful

Shaming people for their fears is shameful

The implication is that sufferers of such “phobias” are weak, inferior people who should simply change their attitude by snapping out of their irrational fear.

This is demeaning to people who suffer from actual phobias, which in fact are no easier to fix, improve or change than a person’s sexual orientation or deeply held religious beliefs.… Continue reading…