My Favourite Songs of 2014

Now that 2015 is well and truly upon us, I thought it would be a good time to look back at some of my favourite songs of 2014, and what they meant to me. Not all these songs were released in 2014; some of them date back quite a long way. But they all struck a nerve for me last year. Here’s why:

360 – Live It Up

This upbeat number from a fellow aussie rapper who has struggled with depression in the past was a good reminder to me that I’ve only got the one life, and to make the most of it:


LockOut: The Musical!

I’ve been cast in a role in LockOut: The Musical! as part of Short and Sweet Sydney 2015.

Lock Out!: The Musical Cast Selfie

Obligatory cast selfie at first rehearsal

I play a cranky husband who hates musicals, is dragged to the theatre by his wife and forced to endure 10 agonising minutes locked out with other disgruntled theatre-goers while they miss the start of the show after turning up late.

The show will be part of the Top 80 and runs 4th February 2015 through 8th February 2015 at Fuse Box, The Factory Theatre, Marrickville.

Click here to buy your tickets! (make sure you book from 4th to 8th February)

Check the website for updates and follow the show on Twitter.

“I know what you’re going through.”Continue reading…

The Things That Are Left Behind

What do you get when you bring three groups of homeless and otherwise marginalized people from across Sydney together to create a show about the entire history and future of the universe by asking them the simple question “What was here in the past, and will be here in the future?”

Milk Crate Theatre's Latest Show

Milk Crate Theatre’s Latest Show

No, it’s not a joke; but it is funny. It’s Milk Crate Theatre’s latest show The Things That Are Left Behind.

For the last few weeks, I’ve been working with these amazing people to create a show about everything, from nothing. Nothing is the surest of places to begin. In this show we colour in the nothing with live performance story-telling combined with digital animation; all created from scratch by street-wise folk.

After the performance will be a Q&A about how we worked together to unlock our collective creative geniuses.

I’m in it, … Continue reading…

Top 10 Reasons For Guys To Go To Yoga Class

I found myself in a yoga class by accident last weekend. You may wonder how this is even possible, but it happens to me more often than you might think. In fact, I find myself doing unexpected yoga so often that I keep a yoga mat permanently rolled up in my car precisely for such emergencies.

Not that I’m complaining or anything. Yoga is great for the body and an excellent way to quieten my restless mind. All that stretching is awesome for my flexibility, and the breathing practise helps calm my nervous system.

Yoga practise offers a myriad of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits. So as I looked around the room in between Warrior Two and Child pose, I couldn’t help but mentally assemble my Top 10 Reasons For Guys To Go To Yoga Class: (more…)

12 Signs You’re Addicted To 12-Step Meetings

A lot of my friends tell me that they’re struggling with addictions of various sorts. Some of them describe themselves as “sex addicts”, and a surprising number of those are female. Of course, I never meet them until they’re already “in recovery”, do I?

Play 12-Step Roulette. Pick a group, and go!

Play 12-Step Roulette. Pick a group, and go!

Everyone else I meet seems to be either alcoholic or codependent. They don’t have time to hang out with me because they’re always too busy “going to a meeting”.

So just to prove that I’m not bitter or anything, here are 12 signs that you’re addicted to 12-Step meetings:

How To Stay Safe In An Earthquake

The folks in Japan are basically living in the earthquake capital of the world, what with being perched atop the pacific rim of fire and all. So you’d expect them to know a thing or two about surviving earthquakes. And you’d be right. So today’s life-saving tip on how to stay safe in an earthquake comes courtesy of the safety instructions that came with my Japanese-manufactured drum kit:

Continue reading…

Hypnotic Prosperity Meditation For Making Lots Of Money

If you want to generate loads of money quickly, it’s very important to have the right mindset. All too often we’ve been taught negative beliefs around money right from early childhood. Our subconscious has been programmed with a scarcity mentality that causes us to repel wealth and prosperity; even though consciously we’d much rather be rolling in money like a pig in mud than struggling with financial poverty.

Think abundance, not scarcity

Think abundance, not scarcity

Think abundance, not scarcity.

Yet the scarcity mentality is incredibly pervasive in our society and can have a strong hold over us, so it takes some effort to break. Since the blockage is subconscious, the best way to address it is via hypnosis. It’s a powerful technique for relaxing the conscious mind so that the subconscious can be directed to act in the manner that will be most effective for generating a lot of money; instead of constantly sabotaging your attempts to build wealth.


How To Start Your Own Religion

I don’t know about you, but personally I can’t think of any better way to stroke your own ego than starting your very own religion and amassing millions of devoted followers. Well, as long as it’s a successful religion that is; obviously there’s no point starting a religion that doesn’t outlast your own mortal lifespan. For a truly enduring sense of self-importance you want your followers to continue worshipping you for at least a couple of millennia and that’s going to be difficult if you don’t have any by the time you die.

Clearly the mythology surrounding Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed make them difficult role models to emulate, but if a B-grade science fiction writer can start his own religion in our own life times then you can do it too. So here are my tips on how to start your own successful religion:

Endow Yourself With Divinity

Religious icons

Having an easily recognizable icon to brand your religion will help too.

Nobody argues with God. Well, nobody that you need to worry about anyway. So if you want to start a religion, you need to claim some divinity for yourself. The simplest way to do this is to just outright claim to be the messiah from some ancient religion; but many have tried this and failed. A more effective way is to make ambiguous statements like “I am who I am”, and let your followers fill in the blanks. They’ll feel very smart for having worked out that you’re divine before everyone else, and will spend the rest of their lives spreading your gospel for you thus saving you a great deal of time and effort.

Claiming divine inspiration is important so that when you are questioned by the unbelievers down the track you have something to fall back on. Stories of archangels can come in handy for this, and stone tablets engraved with divine teachings have paved the way before you for centuries. More recently, golden tablets have come into vogue. Never mind that the alleged tablets always go missing; that just adds to the intrigue that helps keep your new belief system alive.
